Welcome to the Muséoscope of Serre-Ponçon lake

The origin of the Muséoscope du Lac

The construction of the Serre-Ponçon dam was an economic and social upheaval for the departments of Hautes-Alpes and Ubaye. In 1994, Gérard Ubrun, entrepreneur, realized that there was a gap in this story. Testimonies of expropriated people should be filmed and a museum that tells the story of the flooded villages should be built.

With the help of his children, of Jean-Luc Russier, architect and the late Marcel Barès journalist, he reached his goal. After four years of research, the Muséoscope du Lac opened its doors.

Panoramic view on the lake of Serre-Ponçon, its dam and the Muséoscope
Panoramic view on the lake of Serre-Ponçon, its dam and the Muséoscope on the left hidden by the trees

The Muséoscope, a private museum in a constantly changing environment

Since its inception, the Muséoscope has evolved. Films are regularly changed , the scenography is modified to become improved and innovative

Visits of museoscope lake
Visits for groups or individuals
Models of flooded villages
Models of the flooded villages
Mind-blowing sound and light effects of lake
Mind-blowing sound and light effects

The Muséoscope du Lac has become a reference site for schools, holiday centers, tourists and  also local people.  Indeed, the visit enables us to understand the history of the lake of Serre Ponçon and the socioeconomic impact of its dam construction for our region.

More information school group



Promotional means by the Muséoscope du Lac

  • Distribution of advertising leaflets in the Tourist Offices and shops
  • Advertising inserts
  • Mailings to the attention of schools, bus companies, hotel, tourist offices, holiday centers
  • Campaigns in print media
  • Poster campaigns
  • Editing of a book "Memories of the Lac de Serre-Ponçon" written by Florence Ubrun (available at the Bookstore of the Muséoscope)

Attendance at the Muséoscope du Lac

The average annual attendance is 30,000 visitors per year. This family business employs 3 people year-round and another 5 persons during summer.

Actualités du Muséoscope & du barrage
Vacances de Toussaint

Le Museoscope est fermé du 19/10 à début janvier 2025.


Les réservations sont possibles jusqu'à la veille sur notre site.

Jours de pluie

Les jours de pluie, nous essayons de gérer de notre mieux l'affluence mais ne sommes pas en mesure d'accueillir tout le monde. Merci de votre compréhension.

Les animaux ne sont pas admis dans la visite. Les visites durent 1h30. Pas de visite libre.



Visites sur réservation au du 01/10 au 18/10 pour les groupes du lundi au vendredi

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